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Marsham Court Hotel invites couple battling cancer for Christmas

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Bournemouth’s Marsham Court Hotel will play Santa to a couple facing cancer this Christmas, gifting them for a four-night, full board, festive package, with all the trimmings.

The award-winning hotel in Russell-Cotes Road has joined a host of local businesses which have responded to Dorset Cancer Care Foundation’s (DCCF), Secret Santa appeal.

The appeal, which launched in December, asked for help to ensure local people going through cancer treatment enjoy festive treats this Christmas.

The Marsham Court’s managing director Rosie Wallace made a cash donation to the appeal as well as offering the special festive break from 23-27 December, which has been given to Paul Ellis and his wife Gillian.

Mr Ellis, 65, from the New Forest, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in June and is halfway through a course of chemotherapy at the Royal Bournemouth Hospital’s Jigsaw unit.

He said: “Rosie’s offer has been a complete bolt out of the blue, but an absolutely wonderful one.

“My diagnosis knocked us both for six and the last few months have been very tough, especially for Gill as she cares for me.

“The treatment and support we are receiving from the Jigsaw unit has been outstanding though and to receive this lovely treat, the chance to rest and relax and be really spoiled, will be fabulous for us both.”

Paul’s wife Gill, 66, said: “It hasn’t really sunk in that we will be coming to this lovely hotel for Christmas and I think our granddaughter Jasmine will also be over the moon, as Rosie has invited her to come and stay too. We can’t thank her enough.”

Rosie said: “We are well aware of the great work DCCF does for people with cancer locally and are very much looking forward to hosting Paul and Gillian and making sure they enjoy lots of festive food, games, treats and of course a visit from Santa himself.”

Rosie added: “My brothers and I lost our own mum to cancer this year and Christmas without her will be extremely hard.

“She loved this time of year and being surrounded by friends, family and guests. And I know she would have been the first person to welcome the Ellis’s to share our Christmas.”

Pam Jeffries, who helped found Dorset Cancer Care Foundation (DCCF) in 2012, said: “We are immensely grateful to Rosie and everyone at the Marsham Court for their ongoing support.

She added: “We have also received more than £1000 in donations from Coleman Insurance Brokers, TeamJobs, Colten Care and DWP Housing Partnership, and a host of individuals, and this will be shared between four local families who are coping with cancer this Christmas.”

Picture caption: GIFT OF SUPPORT – Rosie Wallace (right), MD of the Marsham Court Hotel in Bournemouth, with Gillian and Paul Ellis.

DCCF was formed in 2012 in Poole by Eve Went, Pam Jeffries and Leslie-May Harrison. The charity organises events and raises money to fund grants to pay for Dorset cancer patients’ household bills, childcare costs, transport costs and much needed short breaks.

To get involved in 2018 visit:


Media information from Debbie Granville at Deep South Media at

DCCF Donation to Forest Holme Hospice

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It was with great pleasure that DCCF Founder Trustee Leslie May was able to present a £2000 cheque from DCCF to Forest Holme Hospice for the funding of a Laser to assist in the treatment of Lymphoedema. We hope it will help bring relief to many patients.

Our Christmas Single

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One of the Directors of Harmony Health Cover,  Scott Harrison lost his father this year to Cancer. He was an inspiration to everyone he met, and brought so much to their lives.

This Christmas, Harmony Health Cover has decided to release one of his old songs to raise money for Dorset Cancer Care Foundation. The song is now released on iTunes and it is just 79p – absolutely everything made from the sales will come to DCCF and it is a lovely way to remember Scott’s Dad at Christmas.

Scott says of his father and the song:

“The song was written by my father Steven Harrison, who sadly died of Cancer in June this year; he was a musician for many years and it was performed as a duet with my brother James Harrison and is a lovely Christmas song, so we thought it was fitting as a charity song at this time of year.

Steven Harrison was in a folk rock band in the 70’s called Saraband and they were very well known in the north at the time, and appeared on Top of the Pops too.

Steven was diagnosed with inoperable stage 3  stomach Cancer in January 2016 and underwent numerous cycles of chemotherapy that were unsuccessful. He had a very tough year with everything as the condition meant that he always felt unwell and couldn’t eat much. He was normally so active and tried to carry on working as long as possible, despite the fact that he felt so unwell.

He was such a kind person that would have done anything for anyone; music was his life and he would have loved the thought that one of his songs could be helping others that have had, or are suffering with Cancer”

Please, please go and buy it –  it will certainly go to a fantastic cause for people in need, and help the families of people affected by Cancer too. We hope you will help this Christmas!

Hear Scott talking about his father and the single on BBC Radio Solent Dorset :

We have put the video and the link to itunes at the bottom of this post.The song is going to be released on lots of other platforms too, such as Google play and Spotify. 


To buy: Search itunes, Merry Christmas Carol (feat. James Harrison) or click the link to itunes…

To listen and purchase:

To listen: Donations can be made via Scott’s Just Giving page here


Thank you in advance!

UPDATE! DCCF Christmas Family Appeal

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In order to enable us to distribute the proceeds of the campaign in time to give some Christmas cheer, the campaign is now closed. Our Christmas single is still available to purchase – please see the details below. Thank you for your support!

From all at DCCF and on behalf of all the people we can help as a result of your generosity, we thank you dearly and wish you a healthy and happy Christmas.

DWP Housing Partnership helps spread joy to families with cancer

Steve Wells, MD of DWP Housing Partnership presents Pam Jeffries of Dorset Cancer Care Foundation with a donation for the charity’s Secret Santa appeal.

DWP Housing Partnership is the latest local firm to become a ‘Secret Santa’ for families facing cancer this Christmas. Dorset’s biggest private landlord, based in Boscombe, has donated £250 to Dorset Cancer Care Foundation’s (DCCF), Secret Santa appeal.

The appeal, which launched this month (December), asked for donations to enable local families facing cancer to buy festive food and gifts. Over £1000 has been raised.

DWP Managing Director Steve Wells, said: “We first became aware of the work of DCCF this year and have been very impressed by the support this small, local charity gives to Dorset families which are suffering financial difficulties because of cancer.

“We feel proud to donate to the Secret Santa fund and hope our gift will bring some relief to a local family over the festive period.”

Pam Jeffries, one of the founders of DCCF, said: “We have been bowled over by the generosity of DWP Housing Partnership in this, our first Secret Santa campaign.

“We have also received donations from the Marsham Court Hotel, Colten Care, Coleman Insurance Brokers and TeamJobs, as well as many donations from individuals, all anxious to do what they can to help local families in need.”

She added: “The £1000 has been used to buy supermarket vouchers which will be shared equally between four local families and will ensure each has some much-needed treats this Christmas.”

DCCF was formed in 2012 in Poole by Eve Went, Pam Jeffries and Leslie-May Harrison. The charity organises events and raises money to fund grants to pay for Dorset cancer patients’ household bills, childcare costs, transport costs and much needed short breaks.

To get involved in the work of DCCF in 2018 visit:

Many thanks to Steven Risk CEO of Coleman Insurance based in Poole and his staff for donating to our Xmas appeal  Steve is seen here with Leslie May Harrison, Founder Trustee of DCCF.

More information at:






To launch our campaign we reported:

Businesses and individuals are being urged to give one extra, small gift this Christmas to help local families coping with cancer.


Ashton McClelland from AFC Bournemouth commercial team dressed as Santa to help DCCF launch Secret Santa at the Vitality Stadium. He said: “The club is a proud supporter of DCCF and we will be urging all our members to make a donation and hope individuals will too”

Dorset Cancer Care Foundation, which gives grants to Dorset cancer patients, has launched a ‘Secret Santa’ campaign to help families facing cancer to afford festive food and gifts.

The campaign has already received backing from the commercial arm of AFC Bournemouth, AFC Business, which is encouraging its members and other Dorset businesses to donate.

Eve Went, who helped found Dorset Cancer Care Foundation (DCCF) in 2012, said: “In addition to huge emotional stress, cancer can cause immense financial stress for families”

“A parent who is undergoing cancer treatment might not be well enough to work, and when a child has cancer, parents often have to miss work to take them to appointments or care for them at home. When this happens bills soon begin to pile up.”

“Christmas is a special time, but it also means extra expense for these already struggling families,” she added. “We hope that people who are looking forward to spending time with their own families this Christmas will take a few minutes to make a small donation to the Secret Santa appeal and help those who are facing dark times. Many of us are already buying secret Santa gifts for colleagues while companies will be buying their clients Christmas boxes.We cannot help these families beat cancer, but by making a small, extra donation, we can ensure they afford some luxuries this Christmas.” Just a few pounds could help a family afford gifts, festive food, heating or mounting household bills this festive period. They will receive your donation addressed from “A Secret Santa”

Dorset Cancer Care Foundation is a small local charity which provides grants for people experiencing financial difficulty as a result of cancer.

Recent Testimonials:

“Our world fell apart when my husband was diagnosed with leukaemia. When DCCF said it could help I felt overwhelmed. Just knowing we had people looking out for us and willing to offer us financial support at a time when we felt very lonely and isolated made all the difference.” Sue, Poole.  

Also supporting the launch of the Secret Santa campaign are Marta and Krzysztof Swiderek, from Bournemouth, who both have cancer and have been helped by DCCF.

Krzysztof works for a recycling company and has kidney cancer. Marta, who works as a cleaner has a gynaecological cancer.

Marta said: “We have both tried to keep working throughout our treatment, but there have been times when it has made us very sick and it has been very hard to afford all our bills and the things our sons Viktor, 12, and John, seven, need.

“When Viktor asked to go on a school trip with the rest of his class we thought it would be impossible.“It feels awful to let your children down. It is bad enough that they have two sick parents.

“But DCCF heard about our situation through Viktor’s school and stepped in to help us meet the cost. We cannot thank this charity enough and supporting their campaign and, hopefully, helping other local families this Christmas time is something we are proud to do.”

Please click here to read other testimonials


Alternatively – why not buy or donate to our Christmas Single Here

Media information from Debbie Granville at Deep South Media at

Christmas message from our Chairman of Trustees

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I would like to start by thanking our supporters, particularly the Friends, Volunteers and Trustees who all donate a considerable amount of their time, and gain nothing financially – their reward being the knowledge that they are helping local people in need through some of their darkest times.

We are also truly fortunate to enjoy corporate sponsorship from Bournemouth AFC, Caterpillar, NatWest Bank, Tailor Made, Savills  and we now welcome Goadsby on board for 2018 alongside many loyal local business supporters, and we thank them for their valued patronage.

During 2016/7 we have achieved our stated goals, prioritising the support of individuals rather than organisations and increasing the number of awards to individuals, of which almost half were outside the Bournemouth – Poole area where DCCF originated.

We continue to assist people with cancer throughout Dorset in a personal way to meet their specific needs. We have provided a range of support, from the provision of grants for shoes and clothing, surgical bras and prosthetics, transport costs, appliances, childcare and domestic assistance, to help with accommodation expenses – often a major worry when someone is undergoing treatment and unable to work.

The Betty Hyams legacy has enabled us to launch the “Betty bus” which offers counselling and support throughout Dorset covering remote parts of the County. The Memorial garden at Bournemouth Hospital which opened in May this year was also provided for by the legacy.

In the coming months, due to changes in Data Protection legislation, we will be under legal obligation to re-contact all Friends connected with DCCF to clarify their association with the charity and request specific permission to retain contact details – we promise to try and make this as painless as possible and trust that it will help our communications going forward.

In 2018 we commemorate the 5th Anniversary of the inauguration of Dorset Cancer Care Foundation, and we are humbled by the enormous support that has enabled us to continue our work and by the courage and dignity of the people we have helped. Information regarding how we mark this occasion will be circulated and on our website and social media

We are optimistic that the anniversary will be the springboard for greater things in 2018, we would like to raise awareness of the help that we can provide and would like more Friends and Volunteers to join us, we hope that you will continue this journey with us.

If you have not already done so, please take the opportunity to listen to and purchase our amazing Christmas Single – all the details and the touching story behind it’s release are here.

Finally, on behalf of myself and all at DCCF, I extend to you the season’s greetings and wish you a very happy and healthy New Year 2018.

With my best wishes

Chris Thomas

Chairman of the Board of Trustees



Christmas gift from St. Cuthberga Lodge

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Huge thanks go to The Lodge of St Cuthberga, Chris Hawkins of the Lodge is seen here presenting a cheque for a magnificent £3432.00 to DCCF Founder Trustee Leslie May Harrison yesterday. Thank you from all at DCCF and those we will be able to help.


UPDATE! Sunday Social and Christmas Bazaar

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Fantastic turnout at our Sunday Social – well done to our organiser Lorraine Paige and thank you so much to all our supporters who helped us raise £1020!

A big, big thanks to the wonderful stallholders who brought along their delightful wares and generously donated to the raffle – we were thrilled to have our valued Patron Harry Redknapp draw the winning tickets.

Kindly hosted & supported by The Royal Motor Yacht Club, Poole 

Generously sponsored by Tailor Made Estate Agents, Sandbanks

Christmas gift stalls

Coffee, tea, home-made cakes & pastries

plus …… our ever-popular raffle!

Xmas Cracker Coffee Morning ~ 13th December

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Wednesday 13th December ~ 10AM -12pm

Bearwood Social club, King John Ave, Bournemouth BH11 9TF

 £2.50 entry including coffee, tea & homemade cakes

‘Warm Spiced Apple Punch’ (alcohol free)


 Raffle for 4 hampers, Lucky dip (chance to win some Xmas presents), Bric-a-brac side stall

 Come and enjoy this festive event with us in aid of DCCF


Nailed it with Prosecco!

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We nailed it!! A fab evening of nail pampering raised a handy £365 – the Prosecco and nibbles went down well too! Well done and thank you to Di Bird for her great hospitality and to all those who supported!

DCCF Oscars 2017

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The Red carpet was rolled out for our 2017 Oscar winners during the event held at the Haven Hotel, Poole on Saturday 21st October to thank our major fundraisers and supporters. We thank Banks Property Services for sponsoring the event and Harmony Health Cover for providing the welcome drinks. More images to follow soon!

Congratulations to our nominees …….

Gill Emeny, Alexa Noble, Cindy Wang, Gwen Dale, Christine Jeandren, Geoff Emeny, Matt Mellor, Sheila Bostock , Lorraine Kerridge, Joy Dennett, Lorraine Paige, Valerie Hartley Brown, Wendy Wait, Chris Helberg, Jude Castell

Tailor Made, Banks Property Services, Caterpillar, Rick Stein, NatWest, Wimborne Rotary

Special thanks to Ali Campbell for fundraising, Maria Browning and Ben Lewis for participating in the Sponsored Cycle Event & James Bishton for the London Marathon.

Many thanks to Alice Conway for the great images!