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DCCF teams up with national charity to offer patients even more support

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The Dorset Cancer Care Foundation (DCCF) is partnering with the national charity Cancer Support UK to raise awareness of the financial and emotional support available to the county’s cancer patients.

The DCCF was founded by three local nurses in 2012 to help Dorset families struggling financially because of a cancer diagnosis.

Through fundraising and events the charity has since donated over £646k to help cancer patients pay for specialist equipment, travel to and from hospital, childcare during treatment and everyday living costs.

The national charity Cancer Support UK offers a range of emotional and practical support services and training for individuals and businesses.

Its peer support group programme Cancer Coach has been developed by cancer patients and is available free to individuals who have completed their cancer treatment.

And Workplace Cancer Support Training is designed and delivered by people who have experienced cancer themselves to help people support their work colleagues.

Cancer Support UK is currently training the Dorset Cancer Care Foundation’s staff and volunteers in its programmes and has also held introductory sessions in its new workshop, Cancer Support Ambassadors, which gives individuals within organisations the tools, strategies and knowledge to provide emotional support to colleagues affected by cancer.

DCCF Charity Administrator Penelope Saunders said: “As someone who has both survived cancer and now talks each day to Dorset people who are struggling under a cancer diagnosis, I can see the huge benefits of Cancer Support UK’s programmes.

“The people who come to us for help are often suffering almost unbearable financial and emotional stress. Some are undergoing treatment, some have recently finished. And many feel lost and unsure of where to turn next for support and guidance.

“Having helped them through their DCCF grant application, I will be able to use my Cancer Support UK training to signpost them to the wide range of other help available to them. And my Cancer Support Ambassador training will also help me to support my charity colleagues and fundraisers who are experiencing cancer too.”

Cancer Support UK is committed to providing 10,000 Cancer Coach places within the next three years. This will ensure that the 78% who say they need more emotional support post treatment receive the help they need to move forwards with their lives.

It has also pledged to train 10,000 Workplace Cancer Support Ambassadors, to provide further emotional support to an estimated one million people impacted by cancer.

Mark Guymer, Chief Executive of Cancer Support UK said: “We believe that no one impacted by cancer should suffer needlessly. So I would like to express my gratitude to the Dorset Cancer Care Foundation, for partnering with us on our journey to achieve our Cancer Coach and Workplace Cancer Support Ambassador commitments.

“When treatment finishes, cancer patients are faced with processing a multitude of powerful emotions, ranging from guilt at putting their loved ones through so much, to grief at the loss of their old selves. At least 92% of our Cancer Coach participants mention their fear of cancer recurrence and the ongoing challenges of managing this fear. This is why our Cancer Coach service is vital in giving them the space and tools to understand and manage their emotions, and move forwards with their lives.”

Jazmine White, the Dorset Cancer Care Foundation’s Charity Manager, said: “We are extremely pleased to partner with Cancer Support UK.

“We ease the burden of Dorset families every day through our financial support.

“Being able to also direct those people to the emotional support offered by Cancer Support UK only strengthens the way we can help people when they need it most.”

The first DCCF Coffee Morning of 2023

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The first DCCF Coffee Morning of 2023 was a roaring success with over 100 people coming along to Rick Stein Sandbanks and raising £1000 in the process.

Tailor Made was the sponsor of the event and as usual provided a fabulous spread and an equally warm welcome – Our huge thanks to Gill Emeny and her family and everyone at Rick Stein.

Amongst the guests attending the Coffee Morning for the first time was Paula Stainer.

Paula said: “I saw the event advertised on Facebook and decided to come and take a look – and I’m so glad I did!

“It’s lovely to meet so many friendly people who are involved in this wonderful charity.

“I lost both my parents a few years ago, one of them to cancer, so I’m very happy to help DCCF’s great work supporting local families.

“I’ll definitely be coming along to another Coffee Morning and will tell all my friends about it.

“Coffee, tea and all these wonderful cakes for just a five pound donation is an amazing treat. There was also a great raffle.”

“I’m also very interested in attending the DCCF Black Tie event in the summer, which looks fantastic.”

Also putting in a special appearance at Rick Stein was a host of cute teddy bears, donated by DCCF Founder Eve Went to raise extra funds for DCCF. Needless to say many of these cute bears left the Coffee Morning to go to new homes!

Charity Manager Jazmine White said: “It really was a fantastic start to 2023 and we would like to say a massive thank you to all our long term supporters who attended, along with the many new faces who enjoyed the warm atmosphere and chance to chat, meet new people and enjoy delicious cakes, all while helping Dorset families experiencing financial struggles because of cancer.

“We have a packed programme of events coming up this year and we would love to hear from people interested in fundraising for the charity, in whatever way they wish. We have people doing runs, entering the marathon and hosting quizzes, dinner parties and cake sales for us.

“We are also always interested to hear from new supporters interested in helping out at our events, or even hosting their own coffee mornings.

“And we are particularly interested in hearing from people in rural communities who would be willing to help us spread awareness of how DCCF can help.

“All support is greatly appreciated with every penny we raise going straight to Dorset families to meet the cost of housing costs, bills and other expenses during and after their cancer treatment.”

For more details of more DCCF events and how the charity can help you or someone you know, please visit our Get Help page.

Dorset Cancer Care Foundation Appreciation Evening 2022

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Huge congratulations to everyone recognised at the Dorset Cancer Care Foundation Appreciation Evening 2022 at the Ocean Beach Hotel in Bournemouth. The awards were presented by our Patron AFC Bournemouth Patron Jeff Mostyn in an evening full of laughter, tears and immense gratitude for our amazing supporters and sponsors.

Adele’s Story

By Awardee Story, News

Adele from Poole is currently undergoing cancer treatment. DCCF recently paid for her to take her three children away for a much-needed weekend break.

She said: “My children are 13, 12 and 10 and this whole year has been a real challenge for them.

“Because I had to isolate during chemotherapy, our lives changed overnight. Cancer really does impact on the whole family.

“To see me unwell is very frightening. But they have been so brave. I’m very proud of them. They haven’t complained once about missing out on beach days and play dates.

She continued: “Our weekend away was very much needed.

“I’m currently having radiotherapy, so fatigue is a real issue. The break was a chance to relax and be a family without worrying about treatment and hospital appointments.

“I want to thank DCCF for giving us this precious time together.

“The charity does such amazing work and we are all so grateful.”

Support for Tony Menary

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Tony Menary from Dorchester is fighting inoperable lung cancer – the former scaffolder’s second battle with cancer.

The father-of-three told how this time, knowing DCCF is here to help, has made a real difference to his family’s quality of life.

Tony, 55, said: “Prior to Covid I had been diagnosed with the lung condition Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). But in 2020 my breathing was getting worse.

“The pandemic meant it was difficult to get a hospital appointment.

“When I was able to have scans, they revealed I was suffering from inoperable Stage 4 lung cancer. And I was given just six months to live.”

He continued: “It was a terrible shock. All I could think of was that I wouldn’t see my daughter Isla’s 16th birthday. I was determined to survive until then.

“I asked the doctors what they could do and concentrated firmly on the treatment, with twice daily rounds of radiotherapy at Poole Hospital for three weeks, followed by chemo and more preventative brain radiotherapy in Dorchester.”

Covid meant Tony had to travel alone back and forth from Poole.

He said: “I just did it and hoped the doctors could get me out the other side.”

Tony, who is originally from Glasgow, had fought and beat testicular cancer at the age of 35.

He said: “Back then there was no financial help and we struggled terribly. We lost our house and had to go and live in a caravan for a while. Some days I had to borrow the money to afford the petrol to Southampton for cancer treatment.

“I recovered though and a silver lining appeared soon after with the birth of a our ‘miracle baby’ Isla.”

Tony’s wife of 27 years Joanne works part time in care. The couple also have two other adult children.

Tony said: “We heard about DCCF through the CAB but for a while I didn’t seek any help. I just wanted to put everything into trying to survive this.

“However, our cooker was old and most of its parts weren’t working. Our bed was also ancient and trying to eat well and sleep well has become even more important, but we just couldn’t afford to replace them, so we decided to apply to DCCF for a grant.

“We were thrilled when we were told we had been successful and received the money to buy another cooker and a new bed. It’s made such a difference to us.

“Right now, I am taking each day as it comes. I am grateful to have been here to see Isla’s 16th birthday and to have outlived the original prognosis.

“The NHS have been and continue to be wonderful and I am having three-monthly checks and hoping for the best.

“We are very grateful to DCCF and its fundraisers for helping make our life a little less of a struggle and encourage other people to seek DCCF’s help. It really is a fantastic charity.”

Support for Sam Kirkby

By Awardee Story, News

Sam, 39, learned she had stage three breast cancer in October 2021, when her baby son was just six months old.

She said: “I thought I had lumps and bumps because I was breastfeeding, but the doctor sent me for a scan.

When I went in for the results two weeks later the specialist said: “I expect you know what I am going to tell you?”

I thought she was going to say I was fine. But then she said: “I’m afraid you have cancer.”

“I didn’t know what to say – I was absolutely stunned. I had told my husband to wait in the car with the baby because I thought I would be literally in and out.

“I left the hospital and just went to work – and kept going to work for the next three days until my husband said: “You know you’ve got to stop. You have to start shielding before your treatment.

“And then it really hit me and all I could think about was – I can’t leave my children.”

A year on from her diagnosis, mum-of-three Sam, has undergone five rounds of gruelling chemotherapy, a partial mastectomy and radiotherapy.

The chemo was particularly hard as Sam has Crohns disease, which was exacerbated by the strong chemo drugs.

She said: “One of the worst parts, was having to stop breastfeeding my baby to start chemo. He cried and cried and I felt hopeless and that I was letting him down.

“I was working four part time jobs as a retail merchandiser to support my family before my diagnosis. My husband is a stay at home Dad to our children.

“But eventually the strain was too much and the doctor signed me off sick from my main job.

“We had taken out a mortgage on our first proper home just before my diagnosis.

“I was terrified about how we would cope with me unable to do all my jobs.

“Luckily, Paula, one of the nurses at the Ladybird Unit in Poole told me about the help given by DCCF and helped me to apply.

“When I found out DCCF was going to help us pay our mortgage for a while, the relief was huge and I am so grateful.”

She continued: “I don’t know what would have happened without DCCF’s help. This, together with the amazing treatment and support I have had from the NHS, makes me feel lucky to be here, despite all the terrible things that have happened to us in the course of just one year.”

Sam has learned she has the hereditary BRCA2 gene and must now wait for a full mastectomy and for her ovaries to be removed, before reconstructive surgery, all of which will mean many trips to hospital in Portsmouth.

She said: “I have no choice but to follow the long path ahead of me – with more treatment and surgery.

“But I am determined to survive cancer for my family.”

Clare’s super quiz evening

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Huge thanks to our Ambassador Clare James whose super quiz evening has raised an impressive £800 so far for Dorset Cancer Care Foundation

Clare is a wonderful event organiser and everyone agreed it was a really fun evening.