Update! Dancing with Choirs – 10th March
Saturday evening saw amazing performances by the area’s fabulous choirs accompanied by talented dancers from both local dance schools and London-based school of Irish Dance Céim óir.
The evening was introduced and compered by Marie Duffy Pask, choreographer to ‘Lord of the Dance’ who was also responsible for overseeing the evening’s dance routines.
The Chief Executive of Wessex Heartbeat, John Munro and the Chair of Trustees for Dorset Cancer Care Foundation, Chris Thomas welcomed the audience and thanked them for their support – as well as expressing their appreciation to all the performers, which included:
Just Sing Choir, Bournemouth
& Centre Stage School of Dance
Bournemouth Male Voice Choir
Dance Crazy Dance School
Rising Voices Wessex
Sound of Soul Choir Bournemouth
Parkwood School of Dance
Jamie Lee Dance Academy
Ceim Oir School of Dance
Huge thanks to principal sponsors, estate agents Goadsby for their support.
Goadsby CEO David Errington presenting the first raffle prize of a beautiful hamper
A fabulous hamper and some great raffle prizes were on offer.
And a gallery of some of our happy supporters:
Team Wessex Heartbeat
Our other valued sponsors included, as well as Oaktree Garden Centre:
More information on how much was raised will be available soon as posted here, as well as some images from the performances.
We introduce one of our major events to be held this year, our fifth anniversary, at the Lighthouse Theatre in Poole on the 10th March 2018 in conjunction with the Wessex Heartbeat charity:
‘Dancing with Choirs 2018’
This high-profile event will form a key part of our anniversary celebrations and will consist of a host of talented choirs and dancers from around the area, sharing a stage in a spectacular evening of music and movement.
We are also thrilled to welcome Marie Duffy Pask, Choreographer of the internationally acclaimed ‘Lord of the Dance’. Marie will be hosting the event and will also be bringing some of her outstanding dancers to join in this wonderful show.
Standard tickets start at £16 for an adult and £10 for a child, family tickets can be purchased at £48 for family of four, VIP tickets are available at £40. Tickets can be purchased direct from the Lighthouse Theatre Here
We are always grateful for the generosity of our supporters who enable us to carry out our valuable work and hope that many will join us and be part of this exciting event.
Many thanks to our sponsors for their generous support, visit their websites below:
Sponsorship opportunities are available, to discuss these packages further or if you have any other questions please contact admin@dccf.co.uk – Telephone: 07593 890 879