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21st December 2020

To all supporters and friends of the DCCF

As always, I would like to start by thanking you all, particularly this year, for supporting, promoting, and ensuring the Charity can function in helping people with Cancer in Dorset.

It has been a difficult year with COVID 19, but we have been fortunate in that donations and a large legacy in the year, together with existing bank funds has ensured we can continue to support our community whilst waiting for fundraising events to restart.

We have sufficient funds in the Charity to continue through most of next year without fundraising events but hope that by the summer, events do commence and in particular that our major fund raiser The Annual Gala Ball goes ahead as planned on September 18th 2021 at the Hilton, Bournemouth and I do hope that many of you will be able to attend.  it will be so good for us all to meet in person again.

During this year, like most people, we have used Zoom to continue meetings and communication, taking the opportunity to improve our policies, procedures and compliance and I would like to thank particularly our new Treasurer and Company Secretary Vic for his excellent work in this area.

Whilst thanking individuals I would also like to thank Nikki our Executive Trust Administrator for directly looking after and nurturing the Charity in these difficult times and we do hope that our Events Co-ordinator Clare will be able to re-join us when we will be able to recommence with events.   Finally, a massive thank you to Andrea Campbell for her outstanding work as a Trustee with the Charity since 2017 and has now resigned due to family and work commitments but is still hoping to support us and join us at some events and wish Andrea well for the future.

Your Charity remains strong and we look forward to next year and beyond and it remains for me on behalf of the DCCF to extend to you season’s greetings and wish you a very healthy and safe Christmas and New Year in 2021.

Once again thank you for all your support.

With my best wishes


Chris Thomas

Chairman of the Board of Trustees